Returning from the UK?
You can return your parcel in a few easy steps here.
Return for store credit or an exchange for FREE
Return for a refund for £2.99* which will be deducted once we’ve processed your return.
- Enter your order number and email or post code
- Select the item(s) you’d like to return and the reason why
- Choose if you’d like to exchange or return your item(s)
- If you’ve opted for a return on any of your items, decide if you’d prefer store credit or a refund
- Choose you return method and submit
- Print your label or use your QR code
*Fees are based on return rates, therefore your return fee may be higher than £2.99. For more information on this, please see our updated returns fees.
We’ll send you email updates throughout your return. We aim to process returns within 6 days of them arriving back to us.
If for whatever reason you’re unable to access the portal, please get in touch by simply clicking the 💬 icon which can be found at the bottom left corner of the page. Make sure to have your details at the ready! Our Bo&Tee bot will be more than happy to assist you with your return.
If you’re returning outside of the UK, please check out our returns page for more information here.